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Daulat Hussainby Daulat Hussain

Blockchain Development Course + Pro NFT Marketplace Project 40+ Hours "Hands-On Course"

Climb out of tutorial hell and build an interactive Multi Media NFT Marketplace + Blockchain Mastery amaze recruiters

Student hat-1290 already enrolled the course and they love it
Get good at Blockchain Development with only one course

Joining Pro NFT Marketplace (Blockchain ), Journey will give you lifetime access to a complete and easy to access course with 100+  lessons.

Want to see what's included? Check out the video down below:


Each lesson begins with a comprasive detail of the lecture and provide required resources. Then, simply follow the tutorial!

If you stuck in the complete project then you can access to private discord server to get support with from me and other community member.

Plus, you can slow down or speed up the videos!

What will you learn?

Comprehensive Project-Based Courses to Help You Become a Blockchain developer (Blockchain)

PRO NFT Marketplace is created for blockchain developers who want to learn blockchain Development in the fastest time possible.

Break free from learning theory will you forget the next day and acquire the skills you need to build any Web3 Dapp, that you will learn in this 40-hour course.

Pro NFT Marketplace is led by Daulat Hussain, founder of @theblockchaincoders, appraised YouTube educator, and recognised as a Blockchain Developers⭐️

3D Telescope illustration

Project Set-Up

Understanding the requirements of the project and structure, installation of necessary tools and technologies, Set-Up of development environment.

7 lessons
1Course Overviesneak peek00:02:49 min
2Course Navigationsneak peek1:14 min
3Chrome Browsersneak peek00:01:40 min
4Install VS Code Editorsneak peek00:12:45 min
5Install Node And NPMsneak peek00:04:47 min
6Install Extensionsneak peek00:07:45 min
7GitHubsneak peek8:44 min
3D Telescope illustration


Advance solidity course for beginners to advance developer, 50+ videos in the solidity smart contract development section

51 lessons
8Section Overviesneak peek10:23 min
9RemixIDsneak peek00:07:49 min
10Hotel Bookingsneak peek00:10:07 min
11 Your First Contractsneak peek00:09:34 min
12NFT Countersneak peek00:04:38 min
13 Data Typessneak peek00:13:54 min
14Functionsneak peek00:07:46 min
15 State Variablesneak peek00:08:10 min
16 Local Variablesneak peek00:06:40 min
17 Global Variablesneak peek00:04:21 min
18 Viewsneak peek00:08:14 min
19 Puresneak peek00:03:37 min
20 Event Contractsneak peek00:07:28 min
21 Constantssneak peek00:03:54 min
22 If, Elsesneak peek00:04:17 min
23 While Loopsneak peek00:03:29 min
24 Do While Loopsneak peek00:02:35 min
25 For Loopsneak peek00:03:02 min
26 Required Errorsneak peek00:05:04 min
27 Assert Errorsneak peek00:04:08 min
28 Revert Errorsneak peek00:03:37 min
29 Modifiersneak peek00:09:39 min
30 Constructorsneak peek00:07:51 min
31 Mappingsneak peek00:12:47 min
32 Arraysneak peek00:10:27 min
33 Array Removesneak peek00:07:05 min
34 Replace Arraysneak peek00:05:29 min
35 Enumsneak peek00:06:10 min
36 Import Enumsneak peek00:01:58 min
37 Strucksneak peek00:09:05 min
38 Import Strucksneak peek00:01:58 min
39 Data Locationsneak peek00:05:46 min
40 Function Contractsneak peek00:11:05 min
41 Eventssneak peek00:03:32 min
42 Inherantancesneak peek00:08:24 min
43 Shadowing Inheratesneak peek00:03:24 min
44 Super Keywordsneak peek00:08:48 min
45 Visibilitysneak peek00:07:03 min
46 Interfacesneak peek00:07:43 min
47 Payablesneak peek00:05:30 min
48 Sending Ethersneak peek00:06:14 min
49 FallBacksneak peek00:04:25 min
50 Call Functionsneak peek00:06:19 min
51 Delegatecallsneak peek00:05:22 min
52 Calling Other Contractsneak peek00:05:38 min
53 Create Contractsneak peek00:09:01 min
54 Try & Catchsneak peek00:09:30 min
55 Libararysneak peek00:09:54 min
56 ABI Encodedsneak peek00:09:39 min
57 ABI Decodedsneak peek00:02:20 min
58 Keccak256sneak peek00:06:39 min
59 End Of Solidity Coursesneak peek00:01:08 min
3D Telescope illustration

NFT Parketplace

Pro NFT Marketplace project, 30+ videos to complete Multi media NFt marketplace on any blockcahin

38 lessons
60Section Overviesneak peek00:24:59 min
61Project Set-Up sneak peek00:53:42 min
63Project Starter File sneak peek00:04:43 min
64 NFT Contractsneak peek01:17:57 min
65Token Salesneak peek00:19:48 min
66 D, T & S Countractsneak peek00:13:54 min
67Community Contractsneak peek00:14:43 min
68 Testing Contractsneak peek00:15:12 min
69 Deploying Contractsneak peek00:20:41 min
70 Utilssneak peek00:23:09 min
71 NFT Contextsneak peek00:53:31 min
72 Context Functionsneak peek00:53:28 min
73 NavBarsneak peek00:57:56 min
74 Footersneak peek00:22:32 min
75 Donatesneak peek00:25:07 min
76 Create Pagesneak peek01:00:25 min
77 Home Page Onesneak peek01:12:36 min
78 Home Page Twosneak peek00:39:46 min
79 Category Pagesneak peek00:09:41 min
80 Detail Page Onesneak peek00:44:43 min
81 Detail Page Twosneak peek01:11:54 min
82 Token Sale Pagesneak peek00:35:40 min
83 Charity, Transfer & Support Pagesneak peek00:22:40 min
84 Offfer & NFT Auction Pagesneak peek00:24:23 min
85 Creator, About, FAQ & Conatct Us Pagesneak peek00:20:08 min
86 Community Pagesneak peek01:13:14 min
87 My Account Pagesneak peek01:12:04 min
88 Chat & Created NFT Pagesneak peek00:28:21 min
89 Resell & 404 Pagesneak peek00:17:09 min
90 NFT Detail Page errorsneak peek00:21:09 min
91 Admin Page Onesneak peek00:52:31 min
92 Admin Page Twosneak peek0:55:47 min
93 Final Testing Part 1sneak peek01:21:10 min
94 Final Testing Part 2sneak peek01:16:18 min
95 Final Testing Part 3sneak peek00:51:45 min
96 Refactoringsneak peek00:44:23 min
97 Deploying NFT Marketplacesneak peek00:48:36 min
98 What Nextsneak peek00:48:36 min
3D Telescope illustration


All the courses you will covere in this complete blockchain developer course, Morden technologies

8 lessons
99Section Overviesneak peek00:02:49 min
100HTML Coursesneak peek00:34:43 min
101CSS Coursesneak peek00:33:35 min
102React/Next Jssneak peek00:33:58 min
103Tailwindssneak peek00:37:03 min
104Hardhat Coursesneak peek01:01:05 min
105MetaMask Coursesneak peek00:19:41 min
106Web3 Providersneak peek00:19:41 min
3D Telescope illustration


Advance solidity course for beginners to advance developer, 50+ videos in the solidity smart contract development section

51 lessons
8Section Overviesneak peek10:23 min
9RemixIDsneak peek00:07:49 min
10Hotel Bookingsneak peek00:10:07 min
11 Your First Contractsneak peek00:09:34 min
12NFT Countersneak peek00:04:38 min
13 Data Typessneak peek00:13:54 min
14Functionsneak peek00:07:46 min
15 State Variablesneak peek00:08:10 min
16 Local Variablesneak peek00:06:40 min
17 Global Variablesneak peek00:04:21 min
18 Viewsneak peek00:08:14 min
19 Puresneak peek00:03:37 min
20 Event Contractsneak peek00:07:28 min
21 Constantssneak peek00:03:54 min
22 If, Elsesneak peek00:04:17 min
23 While Loopsneak peek00:03:29 min
24 Do While Loopsneak peek00:02:35 min
25 For Loopsneak peek00:03:02 min
26 Required Errorsneak peek00:05:04 min
27 Assert Errorsneak peek00:04:08 min
28 Revert Errorsneak peek00:03:37 min
29 Modifiersneak peek00:09:39 min
30 Constructorsneak peek00:07:51 min
31 Mappingsneak peek00:12:47 min
32 Arraysneak peek00:10:27 min
33 Array Removesneak peek00:07:05 min
34 Replace Arraysneak peek00:05:29 min
35 Enumsneak peek00:06:10 min
36 Import Enumsneak peek00:01:58 min
37 Strucksneak peek00:09:05 min
38 Import Strucksneak peek00:01:58 min
39 Data Locationsneak peek00:05:46 min
40 Function Contractsneak peek00:11:05 min
41 Eventssneak peek00:03:32 min
42 Inherantancesneak peek00:08:24 min
43 Shadowing Inheratesneak peek00:03:24 min
44 Super Keywordsneak peek00:08:48 min
45 Visibilitysneak peek00:07:03 min
46 Interfacesneak peek00:07:43 min
47 Payablesneak peek00:05:30 min
48 Sending Ethersneak peek00:06:14 min
49 FallBacksneak peek00:04:25 min
50 Call Functionsneak peek00:06:19 min
51 Delegatecallsneak peek00:05:22 min
52 Calling Other Contractsneak peek00:05:38 min
53 Create Contractsneak peek00:09:01 min
54 Try & Catchsneak peek00:09:30 min
55 Libararysneak peek00:09:54 min
56 ABI Encodedsneak peek00:09:39 min
57 ABI Decodedsneak peek00:02:20 min
58 Keccak256sneak peek00:06:39 min
59 End Of Solidity Coursesneak peek00:01:08 min
3D Telescope illustration


All the courses you will covere in this complete blockchain developer course, Morden technologies

8 lessons
99Section Overviesneak peek00:02:49 min
100HTML Coursesneak peek00:34:43 min
101CSS Coursesneak peek00:33:35 min
102React/Next Jssneak peek00:33:58 min
103Tailwindssneak peek00:37:03 min
104Hardhat Coursesneak peek01:01:05 min
105MetaMask Coursesneak peek00:19:41 min
106Web3 Providersneak peek00:19:41 min

Some professionals talking about the course

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the prerequisites?

Even if the course is beginner friendly, you need to know JavaScript basics like variables, objects, arrays, loops, functions, conditions and events.

The code editor used in the lessons is Visual Studio Code but you can use any editor you like.

The browser used in the lessons is Chrome but you can use any browser you like. However, it is recommended to use one with a good developer tools panel like Chrome or Firefox.

What if I need help?

With the course, you will also get access to a members-only Discord server. If you get stuck or you don't understand a specific part of a lesson, you can share your problem to get help.

How can I Buy the course?

Buying course is very simple all you have to do is click on the Buy Course button, you will be redirected to the checkout page, then complete the purchase, after the successfull payment, you will be rediract to th confirmation page there you have to click on confirm payment button.

Do I have to do the entire course to start my own project?

No! Once you feel comfortable, you can start working on your personal experiences by yourself. You won't have to wait until the end of the course, but obviously, you will be able to jump back to the course at any time where you left it.

And if you struggle on any project, whether it is personal or professional, the @theblockchaincoders community will always be happy to help.

What I will get, once I buy the course?

Once you've bought the course, you get access to the starter file, final code and the lession of the course, along with the private discord server.

How can I contact you issue related payment?

Any issue related to your payment or course, you can contact here: [email protected], Will help to solve you problem

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